I don't blame you because I was also following blindly to these Pastors who happen to have incomplete knowledge. But after seeing this message from Holy Bible and Holy Jesus I was shocked why no one never give importance to it.
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If few knew a helper will come they call it in Spirit form. What a shame. Jesus clearly saying I will send "HIM". It means someone in form and he will tell you what is right what is wrong and you will no longer see me. Does these lines made you think again if yes then check these whole pictures from John 16.
Please Read More After Pics at http://j.mp/HolyBible2015
Please Read More After Seeing Pics at http://j.mp/HolyBible2015
The Prophecy of “Nostradamus” about Saint Rampal Ji
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#Resurrection of Jesus And Or Sending A Helper Before 20th Centuary— Hemant Bhanot (@Truth_IsBitter) April 16, 2017
All #christians Must Readhttps://t.co/2SOiHEvxMG#SupremeGod.org pic.twitter.com/KdrtSIiBmd
Incoming Searches resurrection jesus evidence resurrection jesus new historiographical approach death and resurrection jesus what happened to jesus after the resurrection life of jesus resurrection easter resurrection god resurrection fact or fiction refute resurrection
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